How cute huh? Kyndall loved Santa this year....
Avery didn't! While Kyndall hopped in Santa's lap Avery screamed "Out! Out! Go out!". Santa looked at me and said, "Just her?" I said, "I believe so this year, this one might hurt you (refering to Avery screaming in my arms" He said, "Are you sure, she won't bother me?"!! Sweet Santa, I just couldn't make Avery do it. It would have been too traumatic I think:) Oh well, maybe next year.....

Avery and Sara Paige must be on the same wave length. Oh, well - there's always next year! Kyndall looks PRECIOUS.
Maybe next year when Avery realizes that talking to Santa means asking for all the fun stuff you want will make her as excited as Kyndall. I cannot remember a time when I was scared... can you? I know its common... He is truely the BEST BEST BEST Santa around!! Reese and Ryan sat in his lap together and Ryan was grinning at the camera while Reese looked up at SAnta and he leaned down to her forehead and kissed her. It was so sweet.. wish I bought that one.
Oh my word! Could she be any more precious!?!?! And what a great Santa!
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