Friday, January 21, 2011

My Lil' Helpers

I don't know if you know, but 4 year olds and 2 year olds are happy helpers.  I mean, occasionally they don't really want to clean, but for the most part, when you ask them to help they not only do it, but sometimes even break out in a "clean up, clean up everybody everywhere" tune while doing it!  I don't want you to think my kids are perfect and never throw fits or whatever, believe me, they are good at those, but helping cook, clean etc...they like it right now:)  Here are some examples:
They love to help their Daddy bake Oatmeal cookies:
and clean with their Gram
They like to help Grandpa read their Vreaders
Uncle Paul too!
And they LOVE (especially Kyndall) to help Mommy sew!

And I love that too:)  Click here if you want to visit my other blog and see what Kyndall helped me make!

I am so thankful for my sweet Lil' Helpers!

1 comment:

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

Yes these are what people refer to as the good ole days! Then they grow up and discover attitudes and dislike for any chore .... I remember that I thought helping meant that I was the child live-in maid, ha! Now I am OCD about cleaning and helping.. Life cycles!! Very sweet girls you have missy!!!