My friend Mariah had a super cute St. Patty's Day party for our sweet little kids. That is no small group to have over either! There were 11 little ones in all! 2 sets of twins that just turned one, another sweet little one year old, Avery who is 2, and 5 sweet but spunky 3 year olds! Does that sound like alot? Well, our sweet friend Candace couldn't make it and she has 4 more that were going to come!!! Anyway, it was so much fun! She had chalk, a swingset, hidden gold coin candies for them to find, and fun games to play! The snacks were A-MAZ-ING! There was a rainbow made out of different fruits, cupcakes, cookies and many other snacks....She is the ultimate party giver!!
Then we headed to Grandpa's house for a DELICIOUS home cooked meal. Aunt Sal, Aunt Peg, and Uncle Bud came all the way from Iowa to visit us! They are Grandpa's 2 sisters and brother-in-law. We just love when they come to visit, and had a blast eating their yummy food and catching up with them...we can't wait til they come back again! Maybe we can make a trip up there someday, I've never been to Iowa....hmmm....
Avery showing off her yummy cookie!

Brady and Logan...check out their cute shirts...had to take a pic! Their mom, Melinda, made them!! She is pretty creative huh!!

Piper and Parker....

Mariah and Parker, hanging out with Intaly and Sara Paige

Avery and I hanging out with Jenny and Sara Paige

Sara Paige and Avery...chattin' and smilin'

Melinda and Mariah with their twins!!

Cute pic of Almost all the kids (Mason wasn't feeling a group shot) I snapped the pic so quickly that I didn't get a chance to make sure we could see everyone well...Aubrey and Kiley are hidden behind some of the babes!
1 comment:
Too cute! Looks like so much fun!! Love those cute little dresses!
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