Saturday, October 8, 2011

Playing Catch up over here....

Well, Avery started Preschool on September 8th this year.  She is going on Tues/Thurs and LOVES it.  Her first day of school was quite different than Kyndall's....she could barely hold out at the door here for me to snap a couple of quick pics:

Here she found her name to "check" in the first morning:

And she was a happy girl after school as well....
It has been a fun and interesting experience sending her off.  She LOVES it a lot.  The first day, she came home and told me her teacher said "angry words" to her.  I asked her what she said and Avery replied "get in your chair".  I guess Avery was roaming around checking things out.  Then the next day, her teacher pulled me aside and said that Avery had the sweetest little  heart and had given her chair up for a little boy who was throwing a fit because he didn't like where he was!!  The last interesting thing I heard about was that she to put "into trouble" for throwing wood chips at  the playground.  I love this girl...she keeps it interesting around here:)  My favorite thing about preschool at CCBC is her coming home and singing praise songs she learns there....

Next, my sweet friends Jenny and Janette threw an amazing shower for me on Sunday September 11, 2012.  Lots of friends came, AMAZING food and decorations were there, and they threw it in a nail salon so I got a great pedicure....perfect way to celebrate Emery Jane coming on Oct. 26th!!  Enjoy the slide show:

Jim had a big Day on September 17th....he turned the big "35"  The girls picked out an icecream cake from DQ (which was super delish by the way) and we spent the day celebrating what a super great Dad, husband, and all around great guy he is....we love you Jimmy!!  Oh, and here are a couple of pics of him with 2 of his favorite girls:)

And now I think you are caught up....18 days until Emery Jane comes!!!

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