Get it? A-very...Avery....not as funny when I have to explain...but it was a super fun exciting day yesterday! It started out a little rough....Kyndall was feeling pretty yucky so she stayed home from school and rested all day. Then as she was feeling better, it came time for Avery's Meet the Teacher night!!
We were all smiles on the way there!!
Kyndall was great about helping me with Emery and Avery just couldn't wait to meet her new teachers!!
Avery checked her new classroom out and it was all monkeys!! You might remember her 4th birthday was monkey she is super excited!!!
...and...her teachers are SUPER sweet! I am so happy for her...she will have another great year at KidCare!!!
After we bought some new books at the bookstore and checked out the Chapel room again, we had to run an errand. Grammie bought Kyndall some Sperry's for school and they had a hole in them. So since we were in the neighborhood, we took them back. I was so happy, Stride Rite switched them out no questions and were super accomodating!
We rode some rides....
And Kyndall helped me stroll Emery....
As we were walking from the food court dinner we had back to the car, we walked past Claire's. We noticed the ear piercing stand and Kyndall decided she wanted to get her ears pierced! So we went in and checked it out...
She picked out her birthstone earrings and was super excited!! Then the first ear got pierced....I captured the exact moment it happened...K wasn't happy at ALL!
But she was getting her to do the 2nd one was a little harder...I had to hold her and we had to trick her to do it (we told her we were just lining the earring up and would let her say when...but she clicked it in before Kyndall could worry and change her mind). I felt so bad, but she had insisted on getting her ears done that day and not waiting until 2 people could do it at the same time...
She looked pitiful after it was over....
But it didn't take long before she was all smiles and sooooooo proud of herself! What a big girl...I am not sure if I could have sat there for the 2nd one at 6 years old...I may have come home with just one earring!!
What a busy couple of weeks we have been having....
Now I have to get Avery ready for her 1st ballet class in a year! Pictures to follow!!!